Ok,..so here's a brief summary of our trip: Me,(Brad G) Garrett Reynolds, JJ Palmere, and Doug Polle pack into my car and our friends Matt Petrone, Harry Corbit, Brian Carter and Newport Nate followed behind in another car. Our trip up pretty much consisted of Red Bull, Big Daddy quotes, and drawing penises on everything possible. all homo.. We hit a snow storm half way there and it slowed us down to 40-50 mph for 5 hours. shitty! We pretty much checked in the hotel and left immediately to party. We (bmxers) wound up takin over this small pub/bar down the street and got wild! The staff there hated us because we were "young american kids that don't tip for shit". We hung out with Trevor from system cycle and his boys from Ohio and plenty others from all over , had some beers, got wild, tried to get this ancient piano to work, probably broke it for good, made numchucks out of these long ass candles, kicked over garbage cans, peed on the floor of the bathroom, got yelled at by the bartenders alot, and then left for the hotel.
I got back a little later than everyone else around 3am ish, and arrived to find that the hotel manager was in our room threatening to kick us out of the hotel because of noise complaints. I handled things with him and sent our visitors home for the night.
The next day was qualifiers. Great riding form everyone! Majority of our crew made the finals for the next day.
That night, we hit the liquor store and stocked up with some essentials for a guaranteed ridiculous evening. We hit a bar in downtown. Garrett got in with his brothers expired id that said he was 23. fuck yea!. The place was called the "Dance Cave at Lee's Palace". Shit got outta hand quickly!. Doug was yelling at Mike Spinner for no reason and they were about to throw down any minute. The Albe's crew were in attendance and watching over the situation, and we were there eggin it on, hoping for some entertainment. Nothing happened unfortunetly.
The night consisted of Doug yelling at Spinner alot, everyone breakin bottles on the floor, weird-o's dancing around lookin ridiculous, certain Bmxer's making out with asian girls, and freezing outside waiting for a cab FOREVER!!.
The next day finals went good. Its good not seeing anyone get broke off bad or loose teeth, so all in all,.... a good time!!! Here's some unedited clips of our crew in the finals.
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