Well we where kinda over the limits that this blog allowed so we know have a official blog hosted through are sight which looks much better
check it out -http://apps.staff-bmx.com/Blog/
Friday, April 4, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Another Nice Day in Greenville
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
eating good in L town
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Happy B-day boss-man
So I came across these pics of Bob's b-day bash/extravaganza/fingerfood/party from a week and half ago that I forgot to post. Some A-list guests were in attendance such as: Katie Munn, Kevin Connors and Hope, Pete and Dana, a shit load of kids, myself and others, dressed in nothing but the best the Ocean County Mall has to offer.
What do you know about CUSTOM PAINTED SHOES!!
Hahaha! Well sometimes its good to be a bike rider. The connections you get while on the road and the friends you make while doing so are a great example right here. Back in January while doing a show in Charleston, SC, an audience member (Mag) and his son were telling me how much they enjoyed the show and gave me his card. Turns out he was an amazing artist that does custom painting on Chuck Taylor's and a variety of other goodies for celebrities and whoever else was interested. I kept in contact and invited him out to our recent show this past weekend in Columbia, SC. I got him tickets for him and the family and he showed up with these custom painted Staff and Hell on Wheels Chucks for me!!! I was blown away!! They came out perfect! He is also in the process of makin a few more pairs for Big Daddy, Augie and Cory.
Thankx again Mag!!
check out his site at www.punkyourchucks.com
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Cranmer Bike Check

Here is a quick shot and run down of Sottys new ride.
frame- Felt, Sherif 09' sample sub 5lb frame
Fork- Felt Cranmer
Bars - Felt senior samples
Cranks - Demo
Pedals - Odsy plastic
Stem - Colony
Lever - Colony
Ft Wheel - Simple hub, Ti spokes, n White Primo balance 36 hole
Rear Wheel - Profile 48 hole, 8t, Ti spokes and axle, laced to a hazard light
Sprocket - Animal
Tires - Khe park
Seat N post - Federal post, DUO seat
Grips - Cranmer DUO
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Nice day in Greenville
Monday, March 10, 2008
Canada Toronto JAM 08'
Ok,..so here's a brief summary of our trip: Me,(Brad G) Garrett Reynolds, JJ Palmere, and Doug Polle pack into my car and our friends Matt Petrone, Harry Corbit, Brian Carter and Newport Nate followed behind in another car. Our trip up pretty much consisted of Red Bull, Big Daddy quotes, and drawing penises on everything possible. all homo.. We hit a snow storm half way there and it slowed us down to 40-50 mph for 5 hours. shitty! We pretty much checked in the hotel and left immediately to party. We (bmxers) wound up takin over this small pub/bar down the street and got wild! The staff there hated us because we were "young american kids that don't tip for shit". We hung out with Trevor from system cycle and his boys from Ohio and plenty others from all over , had some beers, got wild, tried to get this ancient piano to work, probably broke it for good, made numchucks out of these long ass candles, kicked over garbage cans, peed on the floor of the bathroom, got yelled at by the bartenders alot, and then left for the hotel.
I got back a little later than everyone else around 3am ish, and arrived to find that the hotel manager was in our room threatening to kick us out of the hotel because of noise complaints. I handled things with him and sent our visitors home for the night.
The next day was qualifiers. Great riding form everyone! Majority of our crew made the finals for the next day.
That night, we hit the liquor store and stocked up with some essentials for a guaranteed ridiculous evening. We hit a bar in downtown. Garrett got in with his brothers expired id that said he was 23. fuck yea!. The place was called the "Dance Cave at Lee's Palace". Shit got outta hand quickly!. Doug was yelling at Mike Spinner for no reason and they were about to throw down any minute. The Albe's crew were in attendance and watching over the situation, and we were there eggin it on, hoping for some entertainment. Nothing happened unfortunetly.
The night consisted of Doug yelling at Spinner alot, everyone breakin bottles on the floor, weird-o's dancing around lookin ridiculous, certain Bmxer's making out with asian girls, and freezing outside waiting for a cab FOREVER!!.
The next day finals went good. Its good not seeing anyone get broke off bad or loose teeth, so all in all,.... a good time!!! Here's some unedited clips of our crew in the finals.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
jaycee pictures of josh perry
here are a few and then some links for others.
hop whip in


downside whip

hop whip in


downside whip

Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
This is out of line
Monday, March 3, 2008
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Friday, February 29, 2008
4 quick photos
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Grenville extras web vid
b geezy, darden, palmere, connors, tooker, real, reed, morrow, reynolds...go to youtube.com/penqua for plenty more.....
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Random Roll
Thursday, February 14, 2008
A couple stranglers

Just got a roll of BNW back from a couple weeks ago when me augie, Bob, n garret headed to patmost park for the day. I was super stoked on how rediculously clicked this was and wanted to share it. Garret is legit, even with out the stairs. Also excited about Augies new found love of big whips heres a Sqaure shot of one. - Kevin
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Garrett Reynolds And Ty Morrow On the Program

You heard it right Garrett Reynolds and Ty Morrow are both officially part of the Staff Team. Garrett has been along time friend, so it is nice to have him on board(about dam time). Ty's riding and personality speaks for itself the kid is amazing. Myself, Brad, JJ (horse), Garrett, and Ty all just road and hungout in Greenville for the weekend. Here is a quick edit and some photos from the trip. Look for more soon out of Garrett, Ty and Staff. Overall the trip was unreal I mean U got JJ , Ty and Garret all riding together shit was popping off left and right. Not to mention John Reed pulling two girls home to give us hair cuts, and wake us up at 5 in the morning. Overall the highlight had to be Gator's party simply because of Shea Nyquist jumping into Josh's dingy ass dirty pool with Hope (Ryan Guettlars) wild girl on his back. Big thanks to are boy John Reed in Greenville for letting me steal his sheets and giving us a place to sleep. - K
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Kelly Bolton Bike Check
Odi Longneck Grips
KC Badger Bars
Animal Stem
Eastern Ultra Light Forks
Eastern Headset
Eastern Pro Crank
Eastern 25t Medussa Light Sprocket
Eastern Sealed Mag Pedals
Odyssey Front and back wheel 9 tooth LHD
Eastern seat
Fit Seat Post
Thanks to my mom, STAFF BMX, Eastern Bikes, Leigh Ramsdell, My girlfriend, B.Geezy, (ANYTIME), Osiris Shoes, Barney at Tip Plus, and of course all my friends that help me out all the time.
update ehh?
So we are at a hotel somewhere in eastern Canada waiting to go to our last show this Saturday in Prince George but we are stuck here while a closed highway is being cleared of a avalanche and a truck wreck. After our show this Saturday we are heading to the flow for a few days in Columbus Ohio then the 22nd we are flying to Nova Scotia for one last Canada show.Enjoy the pics haha.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
quick 6 with Augie

Augie stopped by between Classes today and we shot off a few pictures and some text for you. Enjoy...
Kevin: So you just got on felt how is that?
Augie: its awesome. alan is a really chill dude and the parts are Sweet.
K: So you get a Bob Pratt tattoo for him for Christmas then you turn around and quit working for Staff(still riding for us of course) what gives? We miss having the comedy act around.
A: we had too many fast times like back at ridgemont so i had to slow down a bit grow my hair out and become more of a man.
K: How is the it having Bob on your leg all day every day do you guys chill and shoot the shit or what?
A: wen i drink i get drunk for the both of us now. it probably is the most interactive tattoo ever just ask the ladies...hahaha (note: on new years Bob was rocking out on the guitar, drinking out of the redbull cup and moshing all over the band.)
K: Tell us about the back yard? We all know you have a mini, but I keep hearing rumors of a guito garden, and some sort of dead duck jump. Sounds wild.
A: i canned the who dead goose coffin idea now i gotta find something else to do with that dam cooler. thinking about puttin in some work and building a ginormous box lip to flat and got secret ideas for the garage.
K: U live with what four girls, how do manage that? U must be going insane.
A: why the hell do you think im here all the time still. i go to school full time an am gone every weekend. you tell me who really lives with who. i am the head honcho of that house
K: Anything else you want to say to the people out there?
A: well for one most people dont understand the humor in life and just having fun but at the same time being brutally honest with u fine people of the internet world..so relax bobs not racist my 4th cousin removed on my aunties side from south carolina loves bob...they eat breakfast every sunday morning. so chill with all the hating and just enjoy the sensation in your ankles and wrists everytime you land flat....end
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